How to care for cast iron cookware

The internet is full of conflicting information and advice on how to care for cast iron cookware. This is what works for me.

Wash with warm water and a nylon brush. Use a little soap if necessary

Contrary to popular belief, a little bit of dish soap won't harm a properly seasoned pan, however you probably won't find it necessary most of the time. Never soak your cast iron!

Use a non-scratch pad or chain-mail scrubber to remove stuck on food

Be careful not to scrub too hard or you may damage your seasoning. I also use a plastic scraper to remove stuck-on chunks.

For really stuck-on food, boil some water

Boiling water in your pan for a few minutes should loosen up anything still hanging on

Towel Dry

This is arguably the most important step in cleaning your cast iron. Air drying is a surefire way to damage your seasoning. I also don't recommend drying on the stovetop without towel drying first

Protect It

Place your dried cast iron in a warm oven or on the stovetop for a few minutes, then coat the cooking surface with a thin coat of Cast Iron Evan Seasoning Blend or a neutral cooking oil. If you use a cooking oil, be sure to wipe off as much as possible after coating or it may go rancid on your skillet, especially if you don't use it often

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